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Tyrone Clark, President, BCA

Watch this video before making any decisions on claiming your Social Security retirement benefits.

(303) 753-1417

"Don't navigate the complexities of Social Security without expert help. A poor claiming strategy could mean the loss of one-hundred-thousand dollars or more in benefits. After paying-in for decades, you deserve to get the most from Social Security.  I can help. I understand the claiming strategies available, and I will help you make good decisions based upon your personal needs and circumstances."


Tyrone Clark
Nationally recognized expert in retirement security
Licensed insurance professional


"Good decisions are made when you have good information and expert guidance. I am an experienced advisor who specializes in helping families build tax-advantaged wealth and greater income in retirement. Social Security is a key component in your overall plan to maximize your income."


Complete the form below and I'll send you the booklet, "Good Decisions: Getting the Most from Social Security."

"Facing making a decision about Social Security is one of those high-stake, pivotal moments we need to get right. I will help you get it right."

Tyrone Clark
Nationally recognized expert in retirement security
Licensed insurance professional

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A High Stakes Decision? You bet!

Today's economy is a disaster for most retirees!


This is the "million-dollar question!"  Do you know the best Social Security claiming strategy?  There's potentially a great deal of money at stake for you, so it's critically important that you know.


Unless your retirement income strategy is designed to protect you against Timing Risk and longevity risk, your retirement income could be partially or totally destroyed. Please take 8-minutes to watch the video above. Then, call or email me. Retirement income planning is my specialty. I help families safeguard income and build tax-advantaged wealth.

About David

About Tyrone

BIO Here

The text commonly used as a placeholder in printed materials is often referred to as "Lorem Ipsum." Lorem Ipsum is a pseudo-Latin text that has been used in the printing and typesetting industry as a filler or dummy text since the 16th century. It is used to demonstrate the visual effects of different typefaces, layouts, and designs without the distraction of meaningful content. The text consists of scrambled Latin words and has no specific meaning.

The text commonly used as a placeholder in printed materials is often referred to as "Lorem Ipsum." Lorem Ipsum is a pseudo-Latin text that has been used in the printing and typesetting industry as a filler or dummy text since the 16th century. It is used to demonstrate the visual effects of different typefaces, layouts, and designs without the distraction of meaningful content. The text consists of scrambled Latin words and has no specific meaning.

10800 E. Geddes Av. Suite 120
Englewood, CO 80112

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